
Original Plot

As this was the original plot, it was clear that it would change by the end of making the final product. In the original plot, the protagonist is a girl as this would be a convention of the horror genre. Like in Scream, a girl dies in the opening scene which was what is intended for my film. 

A girl is in a forest on her phone with her friend, who she has just been at her house in the local village. She is getting followed from Nafferton and she puts the phone down. She hears a noise from behind so she turns around. She turns around and sees a figure; she starts to walk faster and then eventually turning into a run. The figure starts running after her as she runs into the main forest. When she turns around there is nothing there, she starts slowly walking backwards looking for the figure and accidently falls over. The killer then stabs her and runs away. The body is lying on the floor. A man walking with a torch finds the dead girl and calls for an ambulance. 

Updated Plot
A boy is walking in a forest with a rucksack on his back. As he is walking, a hooded figure spots him. The boy starts to worry about his surroundings and starts to worry. As he is walking, the boy finds a tent. He is confused and wondering why it is there. He spots a bag on the floor and decides to look inside. He only finds a black coat. He hears a noise from behind and starts to run away. He is scared. He then decides to call for help from his friend James. He tells him that he is in Oakland Forest and that he thinks he is getting followed. Suddenly, the hooded figure comes from behind him and starts strangling the boy who falls to the ground. The boy doesn't know what to do as the hooded figure finds a stick. He starts beating him with him as the boy screams. The hooded figure then breathes heavily and walks away. It then goes to the boy hand as he lays in the forest dead

This is my script for my video. The script includes the dialogue that is used by the actors in the video and the main overview of what is happening the scene. 


Below is my storyboard for my film. I decided to create a storyboard as it would help me create the film and decide what camera shots I was going to use. It also gives you a glimpse of what your film will be like but on paper. 

Risk Assessment

The location that is being used for the video is in the woods. There are many hazards that could be at risk during filming, these include:
  • falling in a river
  • trip and break something, e.g. leg, arm, foot
  • a tree or a branch falling over
  • crossing a road
  • crossing a train track

Shooting Schedule  

On Thursday 9th January, we went out to start filming and get a taster and ideas about where to film our film. On that day we decided where we would film each cut. We also did a couple of cuts on the day which appear in our film. On the 10th we went to same location again. However, this time was to do the rest of the film. After filming we would look at the footage over that weekend and start editing the film on the following Monday and Tuesday. After editing the majority of the film on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday would be going out filming again if any more improvements are necessary. 

Camera Shots

The different shot types I used in my video. This is to show when I used them and why I used that specific shot. Every shot that is used is significant during the film.  

Production Company

We decided to create our own production company which would be shown at the start of the film. We did this because we wanted to make our film as unique to us as personal. We decided to call it Pyramid Productions because we thought it was a very interesting and original name. 

The Film Title

As a group, we decided to name our film The Wrong Tracks. This was due to the fact that the killer kills his victim near a train track. Also, the protagonist walks across the train track which suggests that the train is very significant in the film. 

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